Hello World (CLI)
This guide walks you through the most simple way to get data on to the permaweb using a command-line interface (CLI).
- NodeJS LTS or greater
Using a terminal/console window create a new folder called hw-permaweb-1
cd hw-permaweb-1
npm init -y
npm install arweave ardrive-cli
Generate a wallet
npx -y @permaweb/wallet > ~/.demo-arweave-wallet.json
Create a web page
echo "<h1>Hello Permaweb</h1>" > index.html
Upload using Ardrive CLI
# Create a Drive
FOLDER_ID=$(npx ardrive create-drive -n public -w ~/.demo-arweave-wallet.json --turbo | jq -r '.created[] | select(.type == "folder") | .entityId')
# Upload file
TX_ID=$(npx ardrive upload-file -l index.html --content-type text/html -w ~/.demo-arweave-wallet.json --turbo -F ${FOLDER_ID} | jq -r '.created[] | select(.type == "file
") | .dataTxId')
# open file from ar.io gateway
open https://g8way.io/${TX_ID}